When Life is out of balance

Y’all know those weeks where everything is just out of wack? Like your sleep schedule is off, you can’t remember the last time you ate a veggie, and doing chores and being active just ain’t gonna happen. Life is out of balance.

So before we get started… my question to you is… How balanced do you feel your life is currently 1 out of 10.

1-3 = struggling

4-6 = surviving

7-10 = thriving

I feel like I’m at a 6 going on 7 at the moment, but October was a probably a 3 or 4.

For example, my month of October was FILLED with indulgence. A lot of my loved ones have October birthdays (shout out to the Libras + Scorpios listening), so I was eatin’, drinkin’, and spendin’… all that celebrating meant I had very little alone time, and was less active than usual. October is also a month that brings up a lot of grief and heavy emotions, so I think that also contributed to me swinging towards one end of the spectrum. It’s like restriction is on one end of the spectrum, and indulgence is on the other and I personally like to be somewhere in the middle. Or better yet, think about the 80%/20% rule where 80% of the time we’re focused on what’s healthy and the best option for us and 20% of the time you have space to really enjoy the “extras” of life if you will.

When our life is out of balance towards the overindulgent side of things, we can become really hard on ourselves. Sometimes it can even encourage us to just continue making these choices that were not in our best interest because we’ve… “already fallen off the wagon”.. but when we’ve built a routine/ritual that works best for us it’s a hell of a lot easier to be understanding with ourselves and to get back on track. It also discourages us from shifting to the other side of the spectrum where we want to restrict to “make up” for the choices we’ve been making.

Y’all know I love to provide some intentional action so, here are 5 steps to take when your life is out of balance:

1 - Think about what exactly you feel is out of balance - is it your sleep schedule, the food you’re eating, how you’re spending $, what you’re putting energy into, how much or little alone time you have?

2 - Explore what could be causing the shift in balance - are you stressed about something? maybe celebrating the holidays? Going through a life transition?

3 - Give yourself some compassion and grace for whatever your reason may be

4 - Decide on which area (like sleep for example), you’d like to focus on first. Take 1 small baby step to get that back to where you want to be  (maybe that’s set a reminder on your phone to get in bed to read at 9:30 or 10)

5 - Once you’ve nailed that, build on it with other adding in the other parts of your usual routine

The best thing you can do is just try to make one better decision at a time.

& If you don’t have a normal routine, this is the *perfect* time to create something that works for you. Start small, take baby steps, and build on it.

Weeks like this are bound to happen and it’s totally ok when it does because that’s life. It would be boring as hell if we didn’t let ourselves color outside the lines a little, AND we also know that if 1 week turns into 2 or more we are fully capable of getting back to where we want to be and we aren’t “bad” because of it.

So there we have it guys! Here is to a well-balanced week or if you already know this week is gonna be crazy, here is to a balanced week in the near future. Ultimately, when we’re in balance we are able to focus on what matters to us, be intentional with our actions, and feel more in tune with ourselves.

If you’d love to chat more about routines and rituals, I highly suggest scheduling a call with me. Also, if you’ve enjoyed this post please share - I appreciate your support! <3

I see you and love you guys!!


Gratitude, Random Thoughts, + Showing up imperfectly


Making Friends with our dark side (the Shadow Self)